Most of us women used to fall in love to a guy, pftt guys. Hahah, but once you meet him, I mean a guy that you really fall into him until you can't even live without him. Trust me you'll stick to him until the end of his life and he'll start to regret for flirting on you before. Trust me again, once you walk away from his life, he'll be like "Damn, what I've done?". This is reality, even though he keeps on saying "I won't lick my own spit that I've spitted on the floor." Why? Because you're too ego to admit that everything is your fault. If you know how to treat her well, she won't walk away just like that unless she's a bitch. That's it, got it?
I heard so many love stories from my friends, by the way I'm some kind of who really love to observe my newly friends attitude. The way she walks, talks, glares at something, the ignorance that she did on someone or something. Women can't lie, I can see it through them eyes unless she's a bitch, there you go again, sorry for using harsh word.
Many of us used to be heart broken by a guy and then afraid of accepting other guy who's trying to approach us. I mean them, okay us. Including me, well I have to admit that me as a woman also used to be heart broken by many guys. Well I don't give a damn, I'll keep on finding my prince charming or he' s the one who has to find me? Okay enough. Women bear on everything, she's willing to do anything to make her partner satisfy in their relationship. She'll never think about herself, all she knows is she wanted the guy always with her until her partner can't even has a life. Then he'll get bored and bla bla bla argumentative stupidity of them revealed by themselves. Juvenile crying under the blanket, both are ego and who's going to pursue whom? The ignorance a week to two weeks, suddenly got a text. "I miss you."
What a pain brothers and sisters, actually guys I mean girls wake up! We are strong, we can do anything without em, em can't do everything without us. They take us for granted treated us like slaves, it's like he can do anything that he likes on us. No!
Why can't finish this meh?
24 June 2014
Half nukilan #2
"What's her name baby?" "We'll call her Precious." "Precious we've been waiting for you for a long time finally you're here with us. Look baby she has your face so if I miss you I'll look at her every time when I miss you baby." Precious has grown up as a teenager now. She looks just like Faith. Oh Faith how I wish you're here with us so we can watch her growing up together. Unfortunately it was all my fault baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad like I always did before we married. I just broke my promises and you left us immediately if I know that thing will happen. God sake I'm not gonna make you sad anymore baby. Seriously I'm sorry
"What's her name baby?" "We'll call her Precious." "Precious we've been waiting for you for a long time finally you're here with us. Look baby she has your face so if I miss you I'll look at her every time when I miss you baby." Precious has grown up as a teenager now. She looks just like Faith. Oh Faith how I wish you're here with us so we can watch her growing up together. Unfortunately it was all my fault baby I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you sad like I always did before we married. I just broke my promises and you left us immediately if I know that thing will happen. God sake I'm not gonna make you sad anymore baby. Seriously I'm sorry
Another one I can't finish this yet, what a jerk.
Half nukilan #1
"Sometimes i dont feel like to write something but when my fingers have to tap on so my mood just turn on by it self. today am going to talk about mom. mom youre to special to describe. you always thought that youre the baddest mom in this world. im sorry mom its our fault who made you felt like this.not us but just me. im worst than you mom you have to know that. i know youre missing nanny and all her speech that she used to give to you when youre an innocent girl. now youre old mom old and intelligent and awesome. my friends said youre not awesome at all but for me youre awesome mom because youre different. i have a different.. "
Help me to finish this. Hahah!
"Sometimes i dont feel like to write something but when my fingers have to tap on so my mood just turn on by it self. today am going to talk about mom. mom youre to special to describe. you always thought that youre the baddest mom in this world. im sorry mom its our fault who made you felt like this.not us but just me. im worst than you mom you have to know that. i know youre missing nanny and all her speech that she used to give to you when youre an innocent girl. now youre old mom old and intelligent and awesome. my friends said youre not awesome at all but for me youre awesome mom because youre different. i have a different.. "
Help me to finish this. Hahah!
What a world!
Seriously today is a very hectic day, I woke up early than usual of course that was some of the hardest thing that I have to do in my life. Usual during semester breaks of course I'll wake up on hmm before lunch maybe on 11. Yea of course I watched movie last night, just a movie after a movie to another movie. So three movies in one night last night. Hohoh, so very lucky meh to watch movies alone on my bed, laying down and munching some snacks, this is life. But! Today was a hell this morning. After I woke up, performed subuh prayer and then I worked out, arms legs butts and abs. A bit tired, and then I was about to shower, tengok jam its already 9 am. I've got to meet them on 10 am. So what else can I do, rushing ah babe dengan I don't know the specific time of the buses in Putrajaya will arrive. All done with the dress code and everything, 9.30 am, should I go out now or nah?
"I'm sorry I'm on my leave today." Okay sister you did that to me, this is my time to payback what you've done to me on last Monday. And then I went out to bus stand on 10. The heck Ipah the heck you've done to your self. Because of revenge I did it! Yeah! Proudly I did it mam!
My phone rang. Unknown number, "Hello?" "Hello miss where are you right now?" "Who's this?" "I'm one of Aeon's stuffs can I see you right now?" Nigger damn, I'm still waiting for the bus, I shocked and my highest nervous level came and I felt like to collapse but I controlled it and said "Could you please wait for a moment I"m still waiting for the bus." Then guess what she wanted me to call her when I'm there. Nigger what? Seriously I don't have prepaid and my mobile data had expired. Damn! Damn! I doomed in this situation. I asked my auntie for prepaid but no because her tab running out of batteries, my sister no the car out of batteries pulak. What a life nigger.
Pehh panjang cite. Okay end of the story, I dapat kerja and then the hostel that they provided so like hotel lor macam nak stay sana but I can't because no coway there so the water that I'll drink there not as the same as at home. I love this house I mean home, so comfortable with my blanket unifi and the room so nice. I'm a very happy child. Child? Okay teenager. Teenager? Really? Okay woman! Get it a woman. I'm a woman?! Nah, not that very woman, an old woman who doesn't know how to make up and dress up like a woman.
Fantastic old woman. Wow. loved it really.
Moral of the story younger sisters and eldest sisters, no revenge okay or else God will payback, everything that had done in our life semuanya ada hikmah and moral sebaliknya. Okay? Get it niggers!
Wanna watch movies again. Chiaw!
Wanna eat cake,

God so sedap meh. SEDAPNYA!
Wanna eat this with my lovely man, Khaidid. Really? Yeah really. Don't wanna eat with anyone else just with him. Really? Yeah really!!
Seriously today is a very hectic day, I woke up early than usual of course that was some of the hardest thing that I have to do in my life. Usual during semester breaks of course I'll wake up on hmm before lunch maybe on 11. Yea of course I watched movie last night, just a movie after a movie to another movie. So three movies in one night last night. Hohoh, so very lucky meh to watch movies alone on my bed, laying down and munching some snacks, this is life. But! Today was a hell this morning. After I woke up, performed subuh prayer and then I worked out, arms legs butts and abs. A bit tired, and then I was about to shower, tengok jam its already 9 am. I've got to meet them on 10 am. So what else can I do, rushing ah babe dengan I don't know the specific time of the buses in Putrajaya will arrive. All done with the dress code and everything, 9.30 am, should I go out now or nah?
"I'm sorry I'm on my leave today." Okay sister you did that to me, this is my time to payback what you've done to me on last Monday. And then I went out to bus stand on 10. The heck Ipah the heck you've done to your self. Because of revenge I did it! Yeah! Proudly I did it mam!
My phone rang. Unknown number, "Hello?" "Hello miss where are you right now?" "Who's this?" "I'm one of Aeon's stuffs can I see you right now?" Nigger damn, I'm still waiting for the bus, I shocked and my highest nervous level came and I felt like to collapse but I controlled it and said "Could you please wait for a moment I"m still waiting for the bus." Then guess what she wanted me to call her when I'm there. Nigger what? Seriously I don't have prepaid and my mobile data had expired. Damn! Damn! I doomed in this situation. I asked my auntie for prepaid but no because her tab running out of batteries, my sister no the car out of batteries pulak. What a life nigger.
Pehh panjang cite. Okay end of the story, I dapat kerja and then the hostel that they provided so like hotel lor macam nak stay sana but I can't because no coway there so the water that I'll drink there not as the same as at home. I love this house I mean home, so comfortable with my blanket unifi and the room so nice. I'm a very happy child. Child? Okay teenager. Teenager? Really? Okay woman! Get it a woman. I'm a woman?! Nah, not that very woman, an old woman who doesn't know how to make up and dress up like a woman.
Fantastic old woman. Wow. loved it really.
Moral of the story younger sisters and eldest sisters, no revenge okay or else God will payback, everything that had done in our life semuanya ada hikmah and moral sebaliknya. Okay? Get it niggers!
Wanna watch movies again. Chiaw!
Wanna eat cake,
Indulgence chocolate cake baby
God so sedap meh. SEDAPNYA!
Wanna eat this with my lovely man, Khaidid. Really? Yeah really. Don't wanna eat with anyone else just with him. Really? Yeah really!!
A 'bit' fact a 'bit' weird
Well feeling a bit nervous for tomorrow, my very first time job not teaching. But not as nervous as the last time TESL's interview. Worst moment ever, I don't want to remember it anymore. Now I know if I write I can't be disturb by anything especially music. Unless if I try to make a poem, yeah just poem others "DO NOT DISTURB" because when I write something serious like this, guess not that so serious, okay la a bit serious, I've got to think and recall all the vocab that lost in my mind. Sounds easy for you but hard for me, that's what I always do when I write, think and recall everything back. Everything means the vocab that I forget la. Why so hard to use English standard? *Patting my head.
Suddenly, I feel hungry. Got to eat something even though I just ate a plate of mee goreng just now. Ho to fast if I can't control my diet like past? Back then, I just ate a plate of rice a day, but now a plate of rice not enough bruh at least two plates a day. How can this be my Lord? Where's my usual healthy diet? How to be fit if I can't resist all the food come across me now! Wanna have that stomach so badly, that legs, that arms. My God help me Lord, all the food killing me softly bit by bit. Okay I always use "bit" word, know why? Because it sounds cute with the B then I to T. Simple word can make me happy. Irrational but do you know Olaf? Yeah that snow man guy with that dream to be in summer, he said he'll be "A HAPPY SNOWMAN" out of his mind. Dude you'll be melts la. Eh wait, sounds like not relate able at all. Actually what am I trying to say here is, if we love something we don't care what will people say as long as things that we like can make us feel happy. Okay hope you get what I'm trying to tell ya.
Okay stop talking about "bit" no need to argue about it. Crazy.
Let's talk about what I've done and went to last week. Oh this is so fun, I went to... Guess where did I go last week, heheh this is fun and crazy because I'm talking with my blog. Whatever, hurry up! Guess!
I took so many photos but I've deleted all of it because I hate to see my face in photos, I looked like an hideous beasts so I've made a decision to delete all of it. Clever me yes I'm smart in running away from looking hideous by deleting all the pictures even though my niece and her friends still keep our photos in their phone. What a mess, but it's okay.
So here's some photos from bruh google,

Okay just one photo, I'm tired to copy and paste other photos.
I'm so tired and need to sleep because tomorrow is my first day to work. What a job, I sounded nerd actually I'm nerd. Hahah.
Like this,
Well feeling a bit nervous for tomorrow, my very first time job not teaching. But not as nervous as the last time TESL's interview. Worst moment ever, I don't want to remember it anymore. Now I know if I write I can't be disturb by anything especially music. Unless if I try to make a poem, yeah just poem others "DO NOT DISTURB" because when I write something serious like this, guess not that so serious, okay la a bit serious, I've got to think and recall all the vocab that lost in my mind. Sounds easy for you but hard for me, that's what I always do when I write, think and recall everything back. Everything means the vocab that I forget la. Why so hard to use English standard? *Patting my head.
Suddenly, I feel hungry. Got to eat something even though I just ate a plate of mee goreng just now. Ho to fast if I can't control my diet like past? Back then, I just ate a plate of rice a day, but now a plate of rice not enough bruh at least two plates a day. How can this be my Lord? Where's my usual healthy diet? How to be fit if I can't resist all the food come across me now! Wanna have that stomach so badly, that legs, that arms. My God help me Lord, all the food killing me softly bit by bit. Okay I always use "bit" word, know why? Because it sounds cute with the B then I to T. Simple word can make me happy. Irrational but do you know Olaf? Yeah that snow man guy with that dream to be in summer, he said he'll be "A HAPPY SNOWMAN" out of his mind. Dude you'll be melts la. Eh wait, sounds like not relate able at all. Actually what am I trying to say here is, if we love something we don't care what will people say as long as things that we like can make us feel happy. Okay hope you get what I'm trying to tell ya.
Okay stop talking about "bit" no need to argue about it. Crazy.
Let's talk about what I've done and went to last week. Oh this is so fun, I went to... Guess where did I go last week, heheh this is fun and crazy because I'm talking with my blog. Whatever, hurry up! Guess!
Jyeahh welcome to FLORIA FESTIVAL in PUTRAJAYA 2014. But the event is already ended la. To people who don't go there sangat la rugi but not as rugi as tinggal solat. Leaving or forgetting to perform your prayers more rugi.
I took so many photos but I've deleted all of it because I hate to see my face in photos, I looked like an hideous beasts so I've made a decision to delete all of it. Clever me yes I'm smart in running away from looking hideous by deleting all the pictures even though my niece and her friends still keep our photos in their phone. What a mess, but it's okay.
So here's some photos from bruh google,
Okay just one photo, I'm tired to copy and paste other photos.
I'm so tired and need to sleep because tomorrow is my first day to work. What a job, I sounded nerd actually I'm nerd. Hahah.
Like this,
Okay a beautiful nerd like Anne Hathaway, but I'm not that pretty tho.
Maybe with a bit eye liner, a bit foundation, a bit of lipstick smooch and blusher. I'll look fantastic BABY!
Okay merapu nasty nigger.
Nenight sudah ngantuk.
I ate another two plates of mee goreng *PEACE YAW
20 June 2014
Laziness is killing me!
Dude, seriously so lazy to update my blog. It's been a long time ago I wrote something on this blog. Plus I'm trying to change the email of this blog from cik_tam to my new email zakariaarifah. Unfortunately I can't change it like it said "Can't use google mail on google mail". Hoo well sounds weird okay, dia cakap takleh guna gmail on gmail. Still don't get it? Same goes here still don't get it too. Apa tahh it trying to tell me, worse.
And let's talk about FIFA World cup, I'm glad that my man one of the men who watch football at home alone, sounds pity but yeah so glad to have him at home. You know it's too dangerous for him to go outside at night driving alone balik from lepak with his friends, I'm scared that some of pontianak would fall in love to him. Ghosts not human okay, sorry babe. Back then, before we're together he always hanged out with his friends till morning and that made me feel a bit angry but sabo je lah because who am I to stop him from that.
One day, I told him nicely that if he always sleep late or doesn't sleep at all at night, that will cause bad oh his body especially on his muscles. Fairy god mother he stopped doing that, jyeahhhhhhh I'm such a sweet talker. So glad so glad! Then last week I asked him, "Kenapa tak tengok dengan kawan?" "Takleh la nanti makcik itik marah lepak sampe pagi." Then he laughed, at first I didn't get it. Whuut? Makcik itik? "Ohh! Saya itik yea?" Then we both laughed.
One of funniest football season joke that I've read 2014.
And btw, cantik tak jeans kita ni? Nak beli lah dah takdak seluar dah. If top I can wear everything, bra je pun tak kisah. Bahahah, singlet ke. Bajet mat salles sangat.
Dude, seriously so lazy to update my blog. It's been a long time ago I wrote something on this blog. Plus I'm trying to change the email of this blog from cik_tam to my new email zakariaarifah. Unfortunately I can't change it like it said "Can't use google mail on google mail". Hoo well sounds weird okay, dia cakap takleh guna gmail on gmail. Still don't get it? Same goes here still don't get it too. Apa tahh it trying to tell me, worse.
And let's talk about FIFA World cup, I'm glad that my man one of the men who watch football at home alone, sounds pity but yeah so glad to have him at home. You know it's too dangerous for him to go outside at night driving alone balik from lepak with his friends, I'm scared that some of pontianak would fall in love to him. Ghosts not human okay, sorry babe. Back then, before we're together he always hanged out with his friends till morning and that made me feel a bit angry but sabo je lah because who am I to stop him from that.
One day, I told him nicely that if he always sleep late or doesn't sleep at all at night, that will cause bad oh his body especially on his muscles. Fairy god mother he stopped doing that, jyeahhhhhhh I'm such a sweet talker. So glad so glad! Then last week I asked him, "Kenapa tak tengok dengan kawan?" "Takleh la nanti makcik itik marah lepak sampe pagi." Then he laughed, at first I didn't get it. Whuut? Makcik itik? "Ohh! Saya itik yea?" Then we both laughed.
One of funniest football season joke that I've read 2014.
And btw, cantik tak jeans kita ni? Nak beli lah dah takdak seluar dah. If top I can wear everything, bra je pun tak kisah. Bahahah, singlet ke. Bajet mat salles sangat.
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