21 November 2013

I changed my mind


Don't say any word seriously I'm bored being in this room for almost two weeks I need to get out from here but actually I just went out last night accompanied my sister bought some of kitchen's stuffs but yeah it's not fair because I can't buy something that I want ceh she gave the permission to buy something I was looking for nestle nestum with oat but tesco didn't provide that drink and I was like whatttt are ya crazy or what because I really need to drink that thing yeah poor me what can I do just nodding like blurgh

By the way I was thinking about to have a spouse after finishing my second month of my degree without his agreement pfft of course he wouldn't have that feeling to have me in my life in his young age pfft again he's not ready and I thought I'm ready to take that responsibilities as wife and student at the same time but after I count think discover observe and every kind of survey asking questioning alone before I go to bed I'm not ready yet seriously I'm not!

Do you know why?

Okay first of course my future husband still a very young man just like me we're at the same age 19 are you crazy a woman 21 years old married to a guy also 21 years old we don't matured enough that time of course he wants to spend more time with his friends and family so do I "WE AS YOUNG PEOPLE PLEASE GET A LIFE ENOUGH WITH YOUR LOVE STORIES" see I'm saying it now this is for the first time I have this feeling towards my self how about towards others of course feel like to throw up
How can he take care of me I mean 'nafkah' food place to stay clothes money to buy me stuffs that I want I can't say bye bye just like that to my want to be stuffs if I have a husband and that's his responsibility to buy me all those things that I wanted?
How about transportation? Public transport til when?
Poor my guy

Second families arch this is the best part in marriage life phew if his mom okay I'm okay but it seems like Momo will not okay with it also Mom I mean Mek like she always said 'nak make belake paghe?'
Hoo no no no this is crazy his sisters brother cousins aunties uncles wan nenek papa uii scary
And me Biwi Abeju another six sisters aunties uncles what will they say about me I'll be theirs' hot topic for back biting but I'll get rewards from it blurgh

Third arch this is it BABIES
The most scariest things in life this isn't game this is life after you had them in your life you can't give them back you work for it have fun with it so take a good care of it don't throw them like they're a piece of junk
Make love have sex that's the most happiest things to do in marriage life isn't remember that fun ain't going to be long time after you have the eyes of your marriage in your life yeah get into it take them carefully gracefully
I asked my sister how does it feel to have a baby in your stomach and how about giving birth to them
What did she answer?
"It's the most painful pain that I've ever had"
And I feel like to faint to die to fall on the ground I cried like nooooooo
She said its hard to take wudu' sleep eat too many 'alahan' can't that can't this err seriously 'mengada' and 'menyusahkan' I don't think that he can stand with my attitudes during my pregnancy see how he treats me now? Seriously he can't stand it with that 'mengada'
'sikit sikit nak muntah sikit sikit nak muntah apa awak ni'
AAaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm sorry it's soo 'menyusahkan'
Enough with babies I'm a baby too
With the breast feeding swollen breasts 'period pun aku takleh tahan' damn
Too much money to be use for raising those babies yeah nursery school food milk pampers clothes toys candies ice cream cookies chocolates that stuffs you can share with mama heheh

I'm dying thinking of this things the most important is I don't think that I'm ready to have my own family with my future spouse because he also not ready yet to take those responsibilities as a young abah so chillex cool and enjoy with your single life a a don't mingle 'berdosa' hahah


But maybe if I have my own family I'll teach nurture them with Islam Insyaallah they will be growing up becoming good muslims and muslimahs that can help others to find the guidance the right path to Allah Ya Rab Ya Rahman Ya Rahim My Lord Allah
