Long time no see ya after all this while I sneaked into her blog then suddenly I feel like to write again. Maybe I'll write anything or everything that I can write because like all of us knew that by blogging we can't talk. Why is that so? Aalahaiyaaa because there is no microphone provided lah. Aisi lu langkai longkang.
See told ya I'll write anything even though I also can't understand what language I used just now.
Ese? Well as usual first thing of all let's us talk about study. Actually not into this yet but I have to admit that I ought to love study because I'm a student and I was born to-be a student until the rest of my life. Gawd I love it. I'm hoping that I'll love it okay okay I love to study. Studying makes my mind expand more and more with those knowledge that I'll gain. It forces me to study and to think like Madame Adlina said "Sel sel hotak berhubung" Hoping that it'll connect correctly in my brain.
Hahahaha Madame you're totally almost killing me with your jokes. (This is our last class with her) We're going to miss you Madame especially your jokes.
Yeah our class looks classy and ridiculously for international students like us but we don't care as long as there're whiteboard, marker pen, tables and chairs. There we are studying silently and happily without any noise. Yeah we're happy with no noise and sound. It seems weird but that's us!
Next to Madame Adlina's picture is all of our lecturers in CFS who taught us what is English all about.
Then my fellow classmates during Oral Com's class. Also last class with Madame Adibah. *It's all about presentations and those things made my eyes looked like a panda. This was my last presentation which is "Special Ocassion presentation : Eulogy". This was my group whom spoke about death happily no sad facial expression at all.
With that tomb awh my Gawd seriously we're the simplest group presentation ever. Hahaha. It was fun!
By the way what am I trying to say here is that I've already finished my study in CFS IIUM. Err I think I didn't learn so many things except for having fun with my roommates and classmates and yeah my boyfriend. I have a boyfriend? Sure a boyfriend or boyfriends?
Hell yeah it's boyfriend without "S".
Here are my lass aye aye captain arr you'll see how crazy we are in CFS. Usually after class around 6 o'clock in the afternoon there'll be our faces running laughing giggling talking walking crazily near takraw's court sometime beside the football field.
I miss you guys so badly.

Then my roommates and I yeahh I'm surely miss them a lot lot lot.

Maybe I have to repeat some paper because "if you play play in study you'll fail" maynn. Awh Gawd help me not to repeat any paper so I can further my degree before he finishes his foundation. I have to get a job first before he does. Otherwise you'll see what will happen between us. Of course I'll make 'muka sememeh' to ask anything from him. Hahaha poor Onizuka Sensei. Status : Waiting for this up coming 31th of October.
"CGPA's waitinggggggg!!!!"
Hate to see this anymore!!
Gggrrrr... A bit scary just 'pasrah' and 'redha' after I have my result. Maynn this is scary but not cool.
Yeah I'm talk a lot with some people that I use to talk not with strangers and I'm less in writing. Now I'll change the position InshaAllah I'll try to talk less and to write more than usual. Usual? Hey Usually I didn't write at all. Silly but not girly you're manly mentally disorder. Crazily disturbing by something that is playing in my mind right now.
Tired to write and to think more I'll try to write again next time.
InshaAllah it'll be fun to read my own blog again and again while laughing on my grammatical errors.
Well who cares. I don't care!