" Hate that I love you."
I really wanted to say that to you but I don't know why when you get mad. I'll try my best to be the most patience lady.
"I try to fix everything but why I'm the only one who have to give in everything."
What I notice about you, you love me when you love me.
I just don't know. I have nothing. I'm no pretty no money no love no hearts.
All I know is I'm helpless.
Upset. I don't hate you. I can't mad at you. I don't want to fight.
" Everything is on my shoulder."
I really love you until I forget everything bad about you. I'm blind.
I'm deaf. I can't see anything bad about you.
"I can't hate you but I hate that I love you so much."
Until you feel annoyed towards me.
I know you hate me because I always write something about you.
"I can't read all those because I'll see that I'm the antagonist in your story"
Believe me my dear. I don't mind if your are the antagonist or pro,
all I know, you always be my hero in my story.